Cover Letter怎么写?首先要明确要求

Cover Letter旨在简明扼要地向编辑介绍你研究的重要性和新颖性以及你研究与期刊的范围和目标匹配度,从而让编辑考虑在期刊上发表你的文章。

我们应该查看期刊Author guideline中是否有关于Cover letter的要求,包括Cover letter里面应该披露什么信息、给出哪些声明以及是否需要推荐潜在审稿人。

以出版商Spring为例,在Author guideline中对Cover letter做了明确要求:A good cover letter can help to “sell” your manuscript to the journal editor. As well as introducing your work to the editor you can also take this opportunity to explain why the manuscript will be of interest to a journal's readers, something which is always as the forefront editors’ mind. As such it is worth spending time writing a coherent and persuasive cover letter.

一封好的Cover Letter可以帮助把你的稿件"推荐"给期刊编辑。在向编辑介绍你的作品的同时,你也可以借此机会解释为什么稿件会引起期刊读者的兴趣,这一直是最合格的编辑的想法。因此,花时间写一封连贯而有说服力的Cover Letter是值得的。
