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Results & Discussion(2)

01 描述研究限制

There are several limitations to this approach.


Because of the lack of..., we decided to not investigate...


❊Because of the lack of clarity over how breakthrough drug innovation is defined, we sought to not systematically investigate how expert physicians and medical leaders in the United States perceive innovation in drug development, and which of the drugs approved during the past 25 years they consider to have been truly transformative.

One concern about the findings of...was that...


❊One concern about our findings is that we relied on commercially available reagents developed to isolate EVs from ASC culture medium.

Although widely accepted, it suffers from some limitations due to...


❊Although SSA is very competitive, it suffers from some limitations including unbalanced exploration and exploitation operation, slow convergence.

It suffers from the same limitations associated with a...


❊However, it suffers from the loss of cancer cells with low EpCAM expression.

02  描述论据

A popular explanation of...is that...


❊A popular explanation for the aetiology of depression is the diathesis-stress model 1–6.

It is by now generally accepted that...


❊It is now generally accepted that the majority of clay minerals are crystalline.

As it is not generally agreed that...


It is not generally agreed that the motif of dream-pairs is one of the unifying elements of the Joseph narrative.

This may alter or improve aspects of...


❊While socialtiesmayserve to improvehealth outcomes for those who develop serious health conditions,social tiesmayhelp prevent these conditions from developing in the first place.

This has been used to successfully account for...


❊Naked mRNA has been used successfully forin vivoimmunizations, particularly in formats that preferentially target antigen-presenting cells, as in intradermaland intranodal injections.
