1、There were 5 stent thromboses (0.7%) in the sirolimus-eluting stent group vs 13 stent thromboses (1.9%) in the paclitaxel-eluting stent group, a difference that nearly reached statistical significance (P = 0.06 by Fisher exact test)
2、After controlling for … the inverse relationship between amount of moderate to vigorous exercise and sudden cardiac death risk was attenuated; however, a trend persisted (P = 0.06 for trend)
3、Surprisingly, lower rates were observed for severe haemorrhage (44 vs 28; P = 0.06)
4、Increased income did not attenuate the association between being uninsured and using fewer services for diabetes, although increased income trended towards significantly increasing the likelihood of uninsured compared with insured diabetics receiving foot examinations (P for interaction = 0.06)
5、The age of energy from protein and carbohydrates marginally increased in the intervention schools compared with the controls (P = 0.07 and P = 0.06, respectively)
6、Sodium consumption, adjusted for energy intake, also marginally increased among intervention students (P = 0.06)
7、In addition, there was a borderline effect in which members of the comparison group demonstrated a somewhat higher hazard rate for diabetes mellitus (P = 0.06)