我的程序是:ForestPlot <- read_sav("C:/Users/u
ForestPlot <- read_sav("C:/Users/user/Desktop/Forest Plot.sav") attach(ForestPlot) forestplot(as.matrix(ForestPlot[,1:3]), HR, LowerCI, UpperCI, graph.pos=2,zero=1, graphwidth=unit(50,"mm"), lineheight="auto", boxsize=0.1, xticks=(c(0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5)), col= fpColors(all.elements = "black")) 我没能重现,不知是什么原因,到下面这一步就提示错误:
> attach(ForestPlot) The following objects are masked from forestplot (pos = 3):
HR, HR95Cl, LowerCl, PValue, UpperCl, Variables
The following objects are masked from forestplot (pos = 4):
HR, HR95Cl, LowerCl, PValue, UpperCl, Variables
The following objects are masked from forestplot (pos = 5):
HR, HR95Cl, LowerCl, PValue, UpperCl, Variables